A Quick Winter Property Maintenance Checklist for Houston Landlords

A Quick Winter Property Maintenance Checklist for Houston Landlords

Are you ready for the winter weather? Are your properties and tenants prepared for the potential storms that hit during the winter months? 

Property maintenance is an important step for every landlord to ensure a safe and comfortable winter. If you ignore the prep work, it'll make the winter much more difficult to endure. 

This is why we've put together this simple property maintenance checklist to help you every step of the way. Check it out down below!

Inspect Heating Systems

With colder weather comes the need for firing up the heating system. Before you encourage that, however, it's vital to inspect the entire system. 

Have a professional check for cracks in the vents or refill the chemicals needed to heat the property. Don't forget to have the filters replaced so that the airflow is good for the tenants!

Trim Back Trees

Did you know that loose and dead tree branches are one of the most common problems during a winter storm? Weighed down by ice and snow, those branches find their way onto power lines and the roofs of cars. 

Winter property maintenance isn't complete without trimming back those tree branches so that they'll never present a problem for your tenants. It's also the best way to ensure the property itself remains undamaged no matter how bad the winter gets. 

Investigate Property's Exterior

It's not only the trees that might need some help before winter. It's important to take a look at the exterior of the rental property as well.

Clogged gutters, for example, pose a threat to the foundation of the property. Instead of directing excess water away from the property, it'll collect and start loosening soil. Old windows are also a concern because they'll let in a lot of cold air when tenants try to warm up. 

Prep Snow Removal Services

No one enjoys shoveling snow away from a driveway but it's a necessary evil when winter comes around. Even in Houston, it's vital to be prepared for potential snow. As a landlord, it's often up to you to figure out how to get those drive and walkways clear before it's a problem for your tenants. 

Make arrangements with a local removal service so that everything's prepared before the snow starts to accumulate. 

By helping with this annoying chore, you'll have happy tenants who are more than happy to pay their rent on time!

Send Reminders

Some landlords prefer to be hands-free when it comes to dealing with their tenants. Some landlords want their tenants to prepare the property however they see fit. 

However, it's always a good idea to send reminders to your tenants about the right way to go about preparing rental properties for winter. 

If there's something specific you want to be done, a friendly reminder goes a long way in keeping relationships strong!

Good Property Maintenance Requires Early Preparations

The best way to ensure that your properties are ready for the cold of winter is by doing early property maintenance. Go through this list whenever the weather starts to turn. 

With all the maintenance and preparations out of the way, you and your tenants will enjoy the winter months in total comfort!

If you're having trouble or have any questions, make sure to contact us today. We'll help you get things going before those winter storms hit!

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