5 Common Tenant Complaints and How to Handle Them

5 Common Tenant Complaints and How to Handle Them

It is estimated that 10.6 million Americans now earn money from rental properties. Each of these has an average income of $97,000 a year. Yet did you know that managing a property is not as easy as many people think?

Tenants have rights that you need to know, and avoiding legal action involves dealing with their issues. Read on as we discuss the most common tenant complaints and how to solve them. 

1. Noise

This is one of the hardest types of tenant complaints to resolve. Noisy neighbors are not always something a landlord can control. As the owner does not live at the property, they may also not be able to grasp the extent of the problem. 

If the cause of the problem is a tenant that also rents from the same landlord, it makes it easier. The landlord should speak to the person making the complaint first, then approach the person making the noise. They may be unaware that they were being too loud. 

When the noise comes from other tenants or property not owned by the landlord then speak to other people living in the area. An HOA is a good place to start if you are governed by one. If not, then the source must be approached directly. 

2. Maintenance

Handling tenant complaints and maintenance go hand in hand. Even the best tenants will have wear and tear issues that need addressing. 

Start by outlining what maintenance is in your contract. For example, some people may see changing bulbs as maintenance whereas others may think it is the renter's job. Other than this, any other issues, particularly ones related to safety, are your responsibility as the landlord

3. Poor Communication

Nothing is worse than renting from a landlord who is never there. When you don't answer your phone or respond to emails, a tenant is left to fend for themselves. This can seriously jeopardize the agreement made between you and them.

If you are running other jobs and a family, then one of the best property management tips is to hire a property manager. They will only take a small percentage of the monthly rent and you get true passive income. 

4. Lack of Privacy

There are rules on how and when you can enter a rental property. Just because you own it, does not mean you can come and go as you please. Make sure you give 24 hours' notice and only break this if your tenant may be in danger. 

5. Infestations

Pests are not something people want in their homes. As a landlord, build a list of quality services and tradesmen you can call on in an instant. On this list should be pest removal.

Make sure you address the cause of the issue as well as resolve it. Your tenants themselves could be the issue if they are not cleaning or maintaining the home. 

Resolving Tenant Complaints

Resolving tenant complaints is easier if you have the systems in place ready to go. Make sure you vet tenants thoroughly before they sign a contract. Know the law and you can always stay on the right side of it. 

Houston Property Management is your first stop for handling properties. We can provide management services or just sound advice to assist you. Click here to speak with one of our representatives and let us help build your property empire. 

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